Alternative Provision

Improving children and young peoples engagement in learning and education

How we work?

Our qualified and experienced team works in co-production with the participant, family, and relevant professionals to set desired outcomes with a particular focus on overcoming barriers to successful engagement in education. 

We normally provide 1 day per week for a period of between 3 and 18 months depending on the needs of Children and Young People. 

Aims of Alternative Provision

  • Increase school attendance & address school avoidance.

  • Improve behaviour, reduce fixed term exclusions, and prevent permanent exclusions.

  • Support school transitions.

  • Raise academic attainment and aspirations.

  • Improve physical & emotional well-being with particular focus on emotional literacy.

  • Develop soft skills: teamwork, leadership, communication, and ability to manage emotions such as anger.

What else do we provide?

  • Transport to and from home/school to the various activity locations.

  • Progression opportunities in sessions including joining up one to one sessions and group work.

  • Weekly emailed updates to professional’s network .

  • Multi agency approach to meeting needs.

  • Half termly reports which review the provision to ensure desired outcomes are being met and interventions remain personalised and effective.

  • End of Project report identifying progress in areas such as attendance behaviour and academic attainment. 

  • Leadership/volunteering/work experience opportunities for participants within the wider organisation potentially leading to employment. 


  • Fishing

  • Bushcraft and Beachcraft 

  • Various sports 

  • Visits to local sites of interest such as Brighton Pavilion, Weald and Downlands Museum etc

  • Map reading/Orienteering

One to One

Our One-to-One Programme is a highly flexible programme completely tailored to meet the needs of the most disenfranchised, vulnerable, and complex Children and Young People. 

Cost, Age Group and Referral Process

Our One-to-One support is available to Children and Young People aged between 5 and 18. Referrals can be made at any time of the year. Session costs are £205 per day. 

Group Programme

Group programmes are a dynamic and personalised mix of developmental group work, one to one support and outdoor activities. 

Cost, Age Group and Referral Process

We run separate groups for KS2, KS3 and KS4. Referrals can be made at any time of the year, but courses start at the beginning of each term.

Places can be commissioned on an individual basis at £85 per day per person or we can be commissioned to work with a whole group (up to 6 people) for £505 per day.

If you have any questions, please check our FAQ’s page before contacting us.